30 March 2021 - Contensis software update

The latest development sprint has focused on preparing for future projects and the transition to using content types and entries. 

New features

  • We now have the option of adding an archive banner to news items. We can set this to show on items by age, for example for news that was added to the site over three years ago. This will enable us to keep content live but alert users to the fact that we are no longer actively updating the page. This can be switched on/off site wide using a localisation. 
  • We also have an archive banner for events, which can be switched on for events which have already taken place. This can be switched on/off site wide using a localisation. 
  • Where we currently use Zengenti controls for news listings (such as on the main news page and the homepage) these have been recreated to enable a seamless transition when we redevelop the news section.
  • In the Intranet, an extra feature has been added to banner images to allow the choice of a new reduced height option. This can be controlled by switching between 'Normal' and 'Reduced' in a new field, 'Height of the banner' in the UoB Intranet Banner webcontrol.

Bug fixes

  • The date on events listings no longer floats upwards when a long title is used


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