16 March 2021 - Contensis software update

The latest development sprint has been a tech spike preparing for future projects and the transition to using content types and entries. For this reason the majority of developments within this release are minor feature developments or related to bug fixes.

New features

Additional events functionality

We have released a number of changes which add additional functionality to events template (EventPage.tpl):

  • Exposed the 'EventCost' field value at the top of the page. If the value is set to '0' then the event page will show as 'Free'.
  • Added an additional field which will be specifically used for information relating to the accessibility of an event.

IT Development and QA references

Bug fixes

Horizontal scroll on cookies page

Some changes needed to be made to the code to ensure the information we share about our usage of cookies was accessible.
IT development and QA reference: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/177266390

Fixing KIS widgets

There were issues with duplicate id's being associated with KIS widgets. This will have impacted users relying on assistive technologies so has been corrected.
IT Development and QA reference: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/176538786

Other activity

Testing geographic personalisation functionality

We have successfully run some tests using the geographic persoinalisation functionality in Contensis called Populo. The outcome of these tests has proved that the geographic targetting functionality works at a country level. The next steps will be to explore what other personalisation features are available through this platform.
IT Development and QA reference: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/176551155



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